
Montag, April 25, 2005

...it feels like heaven [shittin' weather]

to sit in your local kebap joint after a week or two of consecutive work. all day - all night. to watch your street outside, while cars pass by on the wet shining surface. to watch the clerk and his wife at 22:00 in the evening while you are the only, the last customer. to smell the food in the oven, the pizza you are waiting for. the clerk, who just stood there, watching the football match on the color-tv, that hangs from the ceiling like in every kebap joint in the whole of europe, suddenly turns to you saying: "shittin' weather today, again raining." - "shittin' weather" you think to yourself, while you are just happy to reply "that it is, that it is" - "shittin' weather" - as if it would be your biggest problem.
your mind is empty, the clerk stares at the screen again, his wife beside him in the corner looks very tired. and you? you think about how it would be - taking that picture.


Anonymous Anonym said...

Bilder stehlen dir die Vergangenheit, weil sie so objektiv erscheinen, daß sie dir keine Menschlichkeit, keine fehlerhafte Erinnerung belassen...

12:11 AM  
Blogger val.b said...

bullshit. bilder nehmen dir nix weg. es sei denn du lässt es zu! das ist dann aber deine schuld. es auf die bilder zu schieben is so kindisch, wie 'n über nen tisch fluchen, weil du dir dein bein dran gestoßen hast...

"i can't be my own! that's why i live." layne's dead, so fuck the fucker and unchain alice.

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

bullshit. bilder nehmen dir was weg. sie engen die perspektive ein. wer könnte schon in bildern das erkennen was sie einmal aufnahmen. wissen ist macht.

9:12 AM  
Blogger val.b said...

wenn interessiert das? ein bild ist ein bild, fertig. es ist als bild teil der realität.
schreib am besten nichts mehr auf. worte nehmen dir die fehlerhafte erinnerung, weil sie objektiv erscheinen. schließ dich ein. sprich nicht, berühre niemanden... machs wie layne. oder frag dich, wovor du angst hast. und lösch die bilder von deinem und linschens [?] blog... verbrenn deine plattenhüllen, cd cover, bücher... verbrenn deine zunge... hack dir die finger ab. und versuch herauszufinden, ob es dir was nützt...

10:57 AM  
Blogger val.b said...

For Your Information: a kebab joint, if this was an appropriate translation is a place where you get i. e. Turkish food. this places are usually owned by foreigner. people who do not like foreigners don't go there. what does this tell you about me? think a little before you insult somebody. thank you.

8:17 PM  
Blogger val.b said...

sorry, war wohl mein fehler... der kommentar zielt wohl eher auf meinen obigen post ab. ich hatte so was schon befürchtet. der post war, wie angegeben für die "Wir sind papst" aktion gedacht. und ist da, wenn ich die mail von malcolm richtig verstanden habe, nicht aufgetaucht, weil die schrift negative assotiationen weckt. Ich habe malcolm geantwortet, dass ich diese assotiation von frakturschrift=nazi, zwar nachvollziehen kann, aber kein verständnis dafür habe. es gibt da ein englisches sprichwort, dass hier passt: you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. das wort nicht nach dem schriftschnitt. wenn ich mich recht erinnere haben wir das thema ja schon mal diskuhtiert (kleiner gruss an brinkmann).
commenting the comment: it is sad you didn't leave your name. what you left us is that we are german and you aren't. i afraid you got something wrong. but i don't care. i don't talk to nameless assholes with no name. but for all the others. i wouldn't call myself a german. i never did. i don't like people who shove rockets up others asses. as i don't like the ones who go like monkeys, sticking their noses up asses to sniff other peoples business. i am continental european and whatever you are english or american - do me a favor, take your missiles and stick it in the asses of your wifes or your soldiers in all the world, before you come here trying to shit on my head...
go and have a history lesson! what about you trying to answer in my language next time. but i guess you maybe aren't that open to forgein influences, are you? you aren't, you are in prejudice too much...

8:24 PM  
Blogger val.b said...

trust me. i'm not interested in any american or british asses... do you know what is strange? i thought about asking you to translate "we are pope" into polish. maybe they would not like that either... maybe it's not too late to ask? [THANK YOU]

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Bilder sollten nicht einengen oder einschränken, sondern Erinnerungen aufbewahren oder andere Menschen daran teilhaben lassen.

3:53 PM  

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